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Hunter (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 10) Page 27

  “Just having myself a little looksee, Priestess. Don’t want any surprises.”

  “Where’s the book?” she demanded.

  Hunter retrieved it from his backpack. The skin resonated with evil energy but with a swift rush of his Alpha power, he sent it back into the hard cover.

  “I need the spells,” Ilsbeth insisted.

  “For what? Looks like you already have something cookin’ outside. I can smell the dark magick. No, no, no. You don’t need the spells, you want them. Big difference.”

  “I can’t do this without them,” she insisted.

  “Just stop with the bullshit, Priestess. You conjure up the demon. I’ll give up the book.”

  “Pfft. What do you know?” Ilsbeth’s mouth tightened in discontent.

  “We don’t have time for this shit.” Anger rolled through him. He glanced at Willa, whose brave façade reminded him exactly why she was royalty. But he had no intention of living his life constantly fearing retribution from demons.

  “I’m going to have to plead my case. Demons are unpredictable. If the book is not required, I’m keeping it.” Ilsbeth defiantly glared at him.

  “No can do. I wanna hear the words from the demon. The book for freedom. Willa. Viktor. Julian too. But this book here.” Hunter waved it in the air. “Whatever is inside here isn’t good. There’s a reason this thing was stuck between the rocks in that godforsaken cave. It’s because no one is supposed to have it. I don’t know if it should be destroyed but I know it’s not supposed to be with you.”

  “Nonsense. I am the High Priestess. I gave you that knife.”

  “Not up for discussion,” Hunter said, his voice firm, noting Viktor’s unusual silence. “Anything else?”

  “Fine, but it doesn’t belong to you,” Ilsbeth told him.

  “If it belongs to anyone, it’s me.” Willa stepped forward. “This slain wolf was from my lineage. His energy.” She reached for the book.

  Hunter held his breath as his mate placed her palm on its cover. She closed her eyes and quickly removed her hand.

  “I don’t know what the spells do but the energy inside this book must not be released.”

  “Of course there are spells. I’m the one who told you.”

  “If this book belonged to you, you would have gotten it sooner. You sent us for it. Something evil is in here. Something no one is ever supposed to see. It belongs in Hell.”

  “Whatever is inside, if the demon wants it in exchange for Willa, he can fucking have it,” Hunter told her.

  “All right then.” Viktor sighed. “Miami’s waiting, people. No offense but this cookout is boring. I’m ready to roll.”

  “When I bring him forth do not bargain. Do not ask for favors. Do not engage,” Ilsbeth instructed.

  “Demons. Slippery little suckers,” Viktor added.

  “My witches can only hold it for so long. It’s dangerous.”

  “Tell us something we don’t know.” Hunter stared at Ilsbeth with distrust.

  “Keep your mate on a leash. We cannot have any slipups,” she spat back.

  “Easy, witch. You’re the one who needs a leash. Playing with demons got your ass a round of hurt.”

  “I need to offer the book,” Willa told them. “I know you don’t want me to.” Her focus went to Hunter. “These wolves who took me. They must be killed. But this offering. If the witch is telling the truth and Hell wants this, then it must be me to hand it over.”

  Willa’s energy penetrated the air and danced over his soul. In spite of the danger, instinct told him she was correct. “Willa keeps the book.”

  “This is never going to work!” Ilsbeth yelled. “You wolves. You’re always messing up everything. Just because you’re an Alpha doesn’t mean you know what to do.”

  “And we’re supposed to trust you?” Hunter laughed. “You landed in Hell.”

  “To be fair. We all have our bad days.” Viktor shrugged.

  “She was in Hell,” Hunter repeated. “And she’s no longer the High Priestess of New Orleans.”

  “I will always be the High Priestess!” Ilsbeth held up her hands. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled throughout the house. A painting to the left of Hunter shook. A pair of crystal candlesticks toppled off a bookshelf, shattering onto the floor.

  “Stop it!” Willa screamed at her.

  “You’re nothing but a wolf!” Ilsbeth shot back. “Your royalty means nothing. You are nothing.”

  Hunter sensed his mate’s rage but before he had a chance to speak, Willa extended her hand. With her newfound power, she sent a vase of flowers hurling across the room. Petals flew into the air as it smashed into a wall.

  “Wills…” Hunter began.

  “No,” Willa protested with a sharp tone. “This witch. This bitch. She thinks this is some kind of joke. That she has power over me. Over you. She may have saved me, but she didn’t do it for me. She doesn’t even know me. But she knew this secret.” Willa waved the book. “That a wolf had to call it. To use it. You didn’t see her ass down in Belize.”

  “The drama.” Ilsbeth rolled her eyes but didn’t deny the accusation.

  “I see you, witch. I don’t care what your game is down here in New Orleans. I just want my freedom. Don’t mess with me.” Willa glanced to Hunter and Viktor. “Or my friends.”

  Hunter’s chest swelled with pride. His mate dressing down Ilsbeth sent a rush of blood to his cock. Fuck yeah, she’d kick some ass when they got home. He tamped down the flicker of excitement.

  “It’s settled. You want your freedom? Willa keeps the book. Now what else?”

  Ilsbeth blew out a breath and set her hands on her hips. “The knife. Someone must stab it with the knife.”

  “Who is going to get close enough to stab it?” Willa asked.

  “I will.” Viktor stepped up and extended his hand. “Here. Give it to me. I’m the only one who can get in and out fast enough. Once the deal is declared out loud, Willa is safe. There’s no way anyone else can get that close.”

  “I’ll distract it. Keep it talking,” Hunter told them.

  “I want the spells,” Ilsbeth repeated.

  “Are we ready to do this?” Hunter asked, ignoring the witch’s demand. He glanced at Willa, who nodded. The Alpha reached for her hand, sending his calming energy to his mate. Within the hour, they’d be free of the demon. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Willa stood on the porch and glanced up at the enormous pentagram that loomed above their heads. The ancient pagan symbol represented protection, yet the inversion reeked of dark intentions. The irony wasn’t lost on Willa. Ilsbeth had sacrificed herself, saving her from death, but she’d also summoned demon magick to alter the very nature of the universe, nearly destroying the wolf she supposedly loved. A blended aura of both wickedness and a dash of misplaced justice best described the High Priestess.

  An ominous energy sizzled in the air, reminding Willa of Ilsbeth’s true nature. The only way to survive the High Priestess was to avoid the lethal slice of her potent dark magick.

  As they descended the stairs and reached the edge of the patio, Willa drank in a deep breath of the cool dewy air. She ran her fingers down the spine of the skinbook, tendrils of a sinister yet familiar energy seeping from its pores. Willa was convinced that whatever lay between its covers should burn for eternity, where no one could ever release the spells. Spawned by murder, it belonged in Hell.

  Willa lifted her gaze to find Ilsbeth staring at her. She shivered as a chill blanketed her shoulders, but she never broke eye contact. Willa’s beast growled in response, itching to shift and demonstrate to the witch who was truly Alpha.

  “Form the circle,” Ilsbeth called out to her witches, who reached their palms into the air. A white neon light flickered around the pentagram. From large pits of wood, flames flared high into the sky. “I call on the elements. Air. Fire. Water. Earth. I command you, demon. You shall surface before the High Priestess.”

  Lightning flash
ed in the distance. The low rumble of thunder violently shook the wooden planks beneath their feet, and Willa reached for Hunter’s hand.

  It’s ok, sweetheart. You’re not going anywhere.


  Promise. Easy now. It’s going to get a little rough.

  A bolt shot down from the sky, scorching the earth in the center of the pentagram. The scent of sulfur danced in the air.

  “I love a good show.” Viktor smiled and waggled his eyebrows at Willa. Hunter shot him a stern look in response. “What? We’ve got good seats. Better than Vegas.”

  “I call on you, demon, within the confines of our circle. I demand you show your face,” Ilsbeth continued.

  “Here comes the good part,” Viktor whispered, fisting the hilt of the knife in his hand.

  “Venite ad me daemonium. Et vocavi te nomine. Zaebos. Expellere non ego te meis circulus ad infernos. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra factam acceptare. Adjuro te per Zaebos. Ipsum revelare. Nunc,” Ilsbeth screamed.

  “Oh Goddess.” Willa held tight to Hunter’s hand as the wind whipped across her face.

  The ground trembled as it cleaved open, revealing smoke and fire. The skyclad witches protectively knelt and tucked themselves into balls, avoiding the lick of the flames. Sweat beaded over their bare skin, a low chant echoing from their lips.

  Willa’s heart raced as the horned creature ascended from the earth, its red glowing eyes glaring at Ilsbeth. Hovering five feet above the circle, it swiped a clawed hand toward the ground, screeching with pain as the white light zapped its fingers. A stream of blood spewed from its mouth toward Ilsbeth, but she held out her palms, sending it flying into the open pit.

  What the fuck? Willa’s eyes darted over to her Alpha.

  Deep breaths. It’ll be over soon.

  Ilsbeth addressed the demon. “Zaobos.”

  “I will break through this magick, witch. Come with me and I will spare the others.” As it opened its mouth, a two-foot-long pointed tongue slithered into the air. Whipping it from side to side, it attempted to lash the witches. It thrashed its head toward Willa and pointed a clawed finger at her. “You belong in Hell too. There will be no escape, Princess. Your blood is mine. Your body is mine. You will give birth to the legacy of Hell.”

  “Like hell she will, fuck face. We’re here to make a deal,” the Alpha called out to it.

  The demon roared at Hunter, its diabolical laugh shaking the earth beneath. “I’ll skin you alive while I rape her a thousand times. Tear your dick from your body and shove it down your throat.”

  Willa felt the Alpha’s anger rip through her as if it was her own. He held tight to her hand and stepped toward the creature.

  “Fuck you and the hellhound you rode in on. You want this skinbook?” Hunter asked.

  Willa waved it in the air, her heart pounding against her ribs. Show no fear.

  You’ve got this, Princess. She heard Viktor’s voice in her head.

  Her eyes flashed to his, concerned that only her mate should be able to speak with her telepathically. How are you doing that?

  Hand it the book. It can’t hurt you during the trade.


  It can’t hurt you during the trade. Just do it. I’ll handle the rest, pet.

  Willa took a deep breath and addressed the hideous creature. “Hey. Look. I have the book. The book of my ancestors. If you release us, you can have it.”

  “A trade,” Hunter yelled at the beast.

  “A price must be paid for the magick,” it countered, eyeing the skin book.

  “Ilsbeth has paid her price in Hell. Whatever remains is paid with the spells. She has not touched them,” Hunter promised. “The evil perpetrated by the wolves is within this skin book. The spells.”

  “The spells are mine,” it contended. “Mine!”

  “You want it? Then declare the deal valid under the reign of the Goddess or may she strike you down. Declare the deal by the rules of Hell. Willa and Ilsbeth are released forever. Viktor and Julian too.”

  “The witch will come again.” Zaobos dragged its tongue across its bloodied lips. “I will have her.”

  “Not today. She’s under the realm of the Goddess. Release her or no book.” Hunter stood firm, staring down the demon.

  It hissed at Ilsbeth, once again spitting at her. “One day witch. One day you’ll be mine. No one will be able to save you.”

  “We had a deal, nothing more. I promised the book and here it is. You owe me now, not the other way around.”

  Willa exchanged a brief but confused look with Hunter. She made this deal a long time ago. The book is owed.

  Dimitri. Hunter’s face tightened in anger.

  “It’s mine,” Zaobos repeated.

  “Ilsbeth and Willa go free. Release them. Viktor and Julian too. Say it or no book.”

  Zaobos roared, clawing at the white light that contained the demonic creature.

  “This book contains spells, yeah? I bet ya Ilsbeth here could whip up something to destroy your ass if she tried hard enough,” Hunter baited. “I felt the evil in that skin. I bet we could bring out a higher-level demon to take you out in exchange for this book. What do you think, Priestess?”

  “Absolutely.” Ilsbeth wore an icy smile.

  “You did torture her. She’s a vindictive witch. I imagine it wouldn’t take too long,” Viktor added.

  “Make the trade. Say it now, demon,” Hunter ordered. “Or go back to Hell and we’ll bring back one of your bosses to take care of you.”

  “I release the Priestess,” it growled.

  “And Willa. Say their names, demon. No tricks.”

  “Ilsbeth, High Priestess. Princess Aline Ermenjarta Lobo. Prince Joao Pedro Lobo. Viktor Christianson. Et nunc absolvo vos in commutatione ad librum. Sed Ilsbeth transire mihi in sempiternum: et tu dormies cum in inferno.” Zaobos released a deafening roar.

  “I bind you to your word, demon. The trade has been made.” Ilsbeth closed her eyes and held her palms up toward the demon. “His verbis promissum tuum es bound to. Adiuro vos huic. In nomine sancte et arsisse ferunt multorum deam vobis noceat, si quis hic. Sic fiat semper. His verbis promissum tuum es bound to. Adiuro vos huic. In nomine sancte et arsisse ferunt multorum deam vobis noceat, si quis hic. Sic fiat semper. His verbis promissum tuum es bound to. Adiuro vos huic. In nomine sancte et arsisse ferunt multorum deam vobis noceat, si quis hic. Sic fiat semper.”

  “It’s time.” Hunter glared at the creature and turned to Willa. “Together.”

  Viktor nodded at her, the blade of the knife reflecting the flames.

  Her stomach rolled as she put one foot in front of the other, slowly approaching the demon. Zaobos flung its tongue from side to side, blood dripping from its mouth.

  Closer. Closer. Willa’s pulse raced as they closed the distance. The putrid stench of the demon filled her nostrils, and she coughed. She willed the nausea churning in her stomach to calm.

  “Don’t even think to touch her,” Hunter warned.

  The echoes of Ilsbeth’s chanting grew louder in Willa’s mind. With her eyes transfixed on the demon, she extended the book to it. Her hands shook as the creature leaned toward her and stabbed a scaly talon into its cover, sending sparks flying into the air. As she released the book, Hunter yanked her into his arms, protectively shielding her from the fire.

  Willa sucked a breath as Viktor appeared, brandishing the knife. Please, Goddess. Smoke billowed out of the crack and the earth quaked beneath their feet. Hunter tugged her outside of the circle and they rolled onto the patio.

  Willa screamed in horror as Ilsbeth lunged at the demon. “No!”

  The Priestess clutched onto the edges of the book, and as Viktor stabbed the beast in the neck with the knife, Zaobos released a horrific shriek. Instantly, the crevice widened, sucking the demon inside it, but the witch refused to let go.

  “No! Stop him!” Willa watched in horror as the earth swallowed both Viktor and Ilsbeth. Her stomach clenched, bile rising into her
throat. “Viktor! No! No!”

  Although Willa attempted to wrench free of Hunter’s arms, he held tight. The earth crumbled on itself, sealing the portal to Hell. With a single bolt of lightning, the heavens opened from above, releasing a torrential downpour.

  The cold rain stung her skin as she yelled for the vampire. “Viktor! Where is he? Hunter…no…please.”

  “We’ll find him,” Hunter promised.

  Shock seized Willa, tears streaming down her face. As the witches dispersed, Willa wrenched away from Hunter and ran to the center of the pentagram. She fell to her knees and pounded on the earth with her fists. “Viktor! Viktor. No! No!”

  As she clawed at the wet dirt, reality registered. Nothing would ever be the same. The vampire was forever lost to Hell.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “We’ll find him,” Hunter assured Willa, who lay curled on the leather sofa, despondent.

  Hunter had insisted they take the private jet back to Wyoming as soon as possible. Rafe had texted him that rogue wolves had broken into a meeting, and that nearly all his wolves were held up in the pack house. Hunter made multiple attempts to call him but was unsuccessful. Anger and guilt rolled through him, aware he’d brought this evil onto his pack. They’d come for Willa, he was certain, but now they’d get the Alpha, an angel of death who would bring their swift demise.

  The only good news was that with the demon sated, his mate was free from their contract. But Viktor had been sucked into Hell, and Hunter knew as well as anyone that the vampire would not survive a second round.

  Fucking Ilsbeth. In an attempt to steal the skin book, to absorb its dark spells, the witch had disappeared into the fiery pit. Hunter questioned why Viktor risked his own life for Ilsbeth, instead of simply letting go of her.

  The shaken voice of his mate drew him out of his contemplation, and he turned toward Willa. “Hmm what, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t understand how any of this happened. The demon agreed. Why did he take both of them? If he wanted Ilsbeth so bad, just take her. Why didn’t Viktor just let go and let that bitch fall into Hell? And why are the rogue wolves still in Wyoming? They should’ve been in New Orleans after me.”