Carnal Risk Read online

Page 19

  “What do you mean, ‘he’s gone’?” Garrett’s expression immediately grew solemn as he registered the news. “No…no, this can’t be happening.”

  “Garrett.” Selby placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

  “He was attacked at his home, stabbed. Abdominal wounds…they can be difficult.”

  “Was he alive when they brought him in?”

  “Apparently he’d made it outside his house. By the time he arrived, he’d lost too much blood.”

  “What about surgery?”

  “I’m afraid he was DOA. We tried to resuscitate, but there was nothing we could do for him.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Garrett breathed. Tears brimmed from his lashes and he swiped at them with the back of his hand. “I’ve got to see Beckett.”

  “Go,” Selby told him.

  Garrett opened the door to the room. Lars took her hand in his and they followed. Beckett sat at the bedside with his head laid on his brother’s arm. A nurse brushed past Selby, and shut off the machines. She gave Beckett a sympathetic nod as she covered the bloodstained sheets with fresh linens before exiting the room, leaving them alone.

  Selby bit her lip, watching Garrett take Beckett into his arms. The young man wept into his shoulder, and Selby looked to Lars, who’d also begun to cry. Nothing could make it better, she knew. There were no words in death’s final moments that relieved the emptiness that filled your heart when a loved one passed away. The horrific manner of his death only compounded their devastation. Selby wrapped her arms around Lars, offering him her silent condolences.

  As Garrett’s friends from Altura filtered into the room, Blaire’s cold stare reminded her that in this private moment, she was indeed an outsider. As she released Lars, she quietly mourned the loss of a man she’d only met once. Their interaction had been brief but pleasant as she recalled the twins’ friendly banter. Although she backed into the shadows, she could overhear Garrett questioning Beckett.

  “Did you find him?”

  “Yeah, we were supposed to go to dinner. When I arrived all the lights were off. He was just there on the deck…the blood, there was so much blood. Why would someone do this?” he cried.

  “I don’t know.” Garrett’s eyes met hers, and Selby knew he was lying. Both Cormac and Beckett had worked for Evan.

  “Did you see anyone in the house?”

  “No, I didn’t go in. I just stayed with him until the ambulance came. They couldn’t save him. He told me he loved me and I…” Beckett sobbed and fell into the chair, putting his face into his hands. “I can’t believe he’s gone. This is so fucked up.”

  The door cracked open and Dean entered.

  “Cormac…he was murdered,” Garrett said.

  “Yeah, I heard from my guys. Beckett, I’m so sorry.” Selby noted the caring tone of Dean’s voice. While he’d argued with Garrett that day in the office, he was their friend.

  “We need to talk.” Garrett nodded to Dean. “Be right back.”

  As they left the room, Selby followed. She found a bench to rest on while Garrett and Dean discussed what had happened to Cormac. Lars came up beside her and sat down, letting his head fall back against the wall.

  “I’m sorry, Lars. He seemed like such a nice guy.”

  “He just got his doctorate. He loved Evan. I’m telling you, Selby,” he whispered, “This is all related to Evan’s death. Please tell me you’ll stay at Garrett’s.”

  “I told you I would,” she assured him.

  “If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself. You didn’t ask for this assignment. I got you into this mess. If I had known for one second that this would be happening, there’s no way I’d have got you involved.”

  “There’s no way you could have known. You even said you thought that Evan’s death was an accident. But Lars,” Selby wrung her hands, gathering the courage to tell him about Evan. “I have something I need to tell you and Garrett.”


  “I don’t want to say it here, but there is something else. Something about Evan I need to tell you. And Garrett isn’t going to want to hear it. We fought today about his involvement in whatever’s happening. He thinks Evan was completely innocent, but I’m telling you, I don’t think he was. The fact that I could get into Emerson. They’re a government contractor. You know I’m good but still, that’s some serious shit. Whatever Evan did to that laptop…he’s got something on it. Something that shouldn’t be there.”

  Dean and Garrett approached, and Selby went quiet. She swore she would tell Garrett everything as soon as they got home. A second man was dead and she suspected that until the attackers got what they wanted, it would continue. Garrett gave her a suspicious look as if he’d heard her talking to Lars and she avoided eye contact. She knew that he didn’t want Dean knowing about the laptop, but sooner or later they’d have to tell him. The web of lies had grown exponentially, and something had to give. She steeled her heart, aware that once she told Garrett the truth, he might never talk to her again.

  Selby stood nude in front of the mirror, wiping the moisture from her body. Garrett had insisted that she and Lars return to his mansion while he helped Beckett make arrangements. During the long limo ride home, Selby and Lars had sat in silence. When they’d arrived, they were met by armed guards who’d taken a visible presence at the front door. Exhausted, she’d checked her programs, but didn’t have the energy to dig any further into Emerson’s files. She’d already made the decision to first tell Garrett about how she’d met Evan, and let the chips fall where they may.

  She’d hurried to take a shower, washing away the putrid smell of the hospital. As she dried her body, she caught a glimpse of her scar in the mirror and thought about how she hadn’t revealed the insidious cause of it to Garrett. Doing so would leave her completely vulnerable, she knew. Yet there was a small part of her that yearned to tell him, aware of the intimacy that would come with sharing her secret.

  Selby brushed her hair, and considered that it was worth the risk. She suspected that Garrett wouldn’t judge her. He’d been compassionate and forthright every step of the way, and he deserved to know everything about her. For once in her life, she wanted to let someone inside her heart.

  A noise from the bedroom drew her attention. Garrett. No longer would she hide from herself or him. She’d tell him the truth and fight with everything she had to keep him in her life.

  Selby padded out into the room without donning her robe. As Garrett came into view, her heart broke for him. Her strong, dominant lover sat on the side of the bed, his face in his hands. As she slowly approached and stood before him, he lifted his gaze and locked it on hers, pain emanating from his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said softly, aware that nothing could take away his sorrow.

  Selby leaned into him as he reached for her. He wrapped his arms around her torso, pressing his cheek to her bare stomach. His warm tears bathed her skin and Selby held onto him as he cried. No words could relieve his grief. Within their silent embrace, she offered him her heart. She’d comfort him, the way he’d done for her, not expecting anything in return.

  Selby’s fingers grazed down his back and tugged at his shirt. Without speaking, she removed it. Skin to skin, his chest brushed hers and she kissed the top of his hair. She brought his face into her hands and tilted his chin upward, his lips settling between her breasts.

  “Selby,” he began.

  “Shh…let me take care of you.” Selby gently pressed her palms onto his shoulders and guided him back onto the bed.

  As her fingertips trailed down his chest, her eyes locked on his. She unzipped his pants and quietly undressed him. Garrett shoved up onto his elbows, moving up into the bed. Selby straddled him, her wet core sliding over his pelvis. Exhausted, he lay with his hands to his sides, allowing her to take control.

  She bent to gently take his lips. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, sucking and tasting her lover until he moaned in response. Tra
iling soft kisses down his neck onto his chest, she lingered and licked over his flat nipple. A small nip to its hardened nub elicited a masculine hiss.

  Her hair spilled over his skin like a silk waterfall as she made her way down his ripped abs. Slowly, tasting each ridge, she worshipped the man who’d stolen her heart. Selby’s face brushed against the smooth skin of his hardened cock and she deliberately avoided taking him into her mouth. Instead, she parted her lips, nearly touching his shaft, allowing her warm breath to tease him into arousal. Selby inhaled the musky scent of her lover, and dragged her fingernails down the front of his thighs.

  Garrett plowed his fingers into her hair and she bit his hip, reminding him that she was in control. He never made a move to change her course as she reached for his arms and dropped her head between his legs. Garrett accommodated by spreading wide open for her, and she smiled, pleased that he’d read her mind. Her lips skimmed along his inner thigh until she reached the apex. Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she stroked it, taking his sac between her lips. He raised his pelvis in response, and she clawed at his chest, demanding he stay still. Selby feasted on him, rolling her tongue over his testicles. Her thumb skimmed his glistening head, spreading his seed onto the length of his cock.

  “Selby.” Garrett grunted her name as she teased his crinkled skin with her teeth.

  “Hmm…I could eat you all day but what I really want is,” she dragged her tongue from the root of his dick to its crown. Cupping his balls, her lips grazed his tip, “this.”


  “Tell me you’re mine, that you want this,” she demanded, her voice husky.

  “Fuck yes …yours…ahh…” Garrett’s back arched up off the bed.

  Pleased, Selby claimed her prize, swallowing him into her mouth. Hungry for Garrett, she meant every word. He might never speak to her again after he found out her secrets, but for tonight, he belonged to her. She sucked his cock, delighting in the salty essence emanating from its slit. Stroking his hard length, her fingers caressed the soft skin underneath his testicles. He cried for mercy, and she slowed her pace.

  “No coming without me,” she ordered, rising like a phoenix above him.

  “God, you’re going to kill me,” he groaned.

  “Shh. No talking. Just feel me.” Selby hovered over him, giving him a sexy smile. Owning his cock, she swiped it through her drenched folds and moaned.

  Selby had never been so bold, but as she dominated him, her arousal spiked. She grazed his crown over her clit, shuddering above him. As he reached for her breasts, pinching her nipples, she almost flew off the bed.

  “Harder,” she demanded, the sweet pain tearing through her body. On fire with desire, she screamed as he did as he was told, tightening his vise.

  Giving him no warning, she impaled herself on his rigid flesh. Her core strained to take in his enormous length. She clutched at his arms and thrusting her breasts forward, she began slowly undulating her pelvis against his. Her eyes fluttered open and she met his intense gaze. Captivated, he watched her as she rode him. His hands glided down to her hips, holding onto the majestic beast she’d become. The fire in Garrett’s eyes drove her into a frenzied state. She increased her pace, filling herself with every inch Garrett possessed.

  Her eyes fell to his lips and she sought the connection that could only be found in his kiss. Wrapping her fingers around his wrists, she pinned his arms to the side of his head and pressed her lips to his. She tensed as she held him down, aware that any submission Garrett gave her was a gift.

  Her clit brushed against him in rhythm as he penetrated her. Selby repeated his name into his mouth, over and over, her orgasm rushing over her. He’d once again mastered her as she shivered in ecstasy. She came hard and he thrusted up into her, giving her no rest.

  “I need you,” she heard him tell her and her heart constricted.

  “Garrett…I…” Selby stopped short of exposing her true feelings, which she knew teetered on love. It was irrational to fall for someone so quickly but there was no denying the emotion that swept through her soul.

  She released her control as Garrett rolled her onto her side. Her forehead pressed to his, and he gazed deep into her eyes as he plunged in and out of her. She moaned as his leg wrapped around her waist. In seconds she’d gone from owning his body to letting him devastate her with his strength.

  “Don’t leave me,” he told her.

  Selby’s chest seized as his words ran through her mind.

  “Never,” she responded.

  Garrett grunted as he exploded inside her. In the intensity of their encounter it hit her instantly; they hadn’t used a condom.

  “Garrett…Garrett.” She froze and he kissed her protest away.

  “Selby…aw fuck…we didn’t. Shit, we should have talked about this.”

  “I’m on the pill. I’m clean,” she panted. Selby wasn’t sure what else to say. In the heat of the moment, she’d never felt closer to Garrett.

  “We’re good. It’s good,” he told her. “We should have talked about this. But I don’t regret a second.”

  Garrett didn’t attempt to remove himself from her as his lips touched her neck. The soft spray of his peppered kisses caused her to break out in gooseflesh. In his arms, she wished that she could stay like that forever. Safe. Loved. But it was all an illusion, she knew.

  “We need to talk about what happened,” she began.

  “No, no more talking. Tomorrow. Tonight I just want to make love to you.”

  Make love. Selby’s mind warred between confessing and embracing the love he offered. Breathing out the worry that sat on her tongue like a bitter pill, she caved to the magic surrounding her. Tomorrow would come soon enough. One more night, and she’d leave.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Garrett took a final glance at Selby as she lay in his bed. No one had rocked his world like she had. He recalled the last time he thought he’d been in love; he’d been in his twenties. Ironically when he’d found his girlfriend cheating, he hadn’t cared. With his life replete with adventure and plans, her infidelity had been nothing more than a speedbump.

  Endless dates and events had consumed his days over the past ten years, and he’d never once considered that it hadn’t been enough. But Lars’ words had played in his mind. You’re falling hard for Selby. He’d tried to tell himself it was nothing, that they were just getting to know each other, but it was a lie; everything had changed.

  Slammed by Evan and Cormac’s deaths, he’d spiraled into grief. As he’d mourned, Selby had come to him, his beautiful angel, comforting him within her wings. He could hardly believe he’d made love to her without protection. Captivated with letting her dominate him, he hadn’t given a thought to a condom. Selby was the only person he’d ever granted control to, embracing the way she’d turned the tables on him.

  Having a child wasn’t something he’d ever considered. But in the split second he’d come inside her, he’d imagined her pregnant. He wasn’t sure whether it was good or bad that the image of her with his baby didn’t bother him. If he were honest, he’d admit to the soul-piercing awareness, that maybe there was something more to life than making money or jumping out of planes.

  Regardless of his deepening feelings for the woman in his bed, the reality of the day had set in. Both Evan and Cormac had been murdered. He’d have to wake Selby soon so she could resume her work. Of all the projects they currently had in the works, there were at least a half dozen that Evan had direct supervision over, ones that he was certain someone would be willing to kill to obtain.

  As he made his way into the dining room, he spied the bag that Lars had brought over from Selby’s house. He wrapped his hand around the handles of the tote bag and lifted it. He reasoned he might as well take her things into the bedroom. Soon Dean would arrive, so they could strategize how best to proceed. He’d called Laura, his chef and housekeeper, to return to his home to straighten up and begin cooking meals. His short lived stint as a cook
had been amusing, but he didn’t have the energy to deal with making meals. His priority was identifying the exact venture that all the victims had touched. There had to be a common denominator that tied the murders together.

  Lars called his name, startling him. He’d forgotten that he’d asked him to stay the night while he’d been at the hospital. He set the bag down and the contents spilled onto the floor.


  “You okay?” Lars asked. “Need help?”

  “No, I got it.” Garrett began collecting and folding the clothes, placing them into the tote. He lifted a shirt, revealing the spilled contents of the plastic baggie that had contained her jewelry. Small baubles and rings clanged onto the hardwood floor as he shook out the fabric.

  “I can’t believe Cormac’s gone.” Lars scrubbed his hand over his head.

  “As much as I hate to do this, I’ve gotta tell Dean what Selby found. Today, I need to review all the projects that Evan, Cormac and Selby have worked on. Some of it’s going to overlap, but I have to try and figure out what the killer is after.”

  “Whatever it is, it’s not like you can just hand it over.”

  “Yeah, but if I know what it is, then I can better figure out the who. If they want it bad enough, we’ll trap them.” Garrett knelt down, slowly gathering the shiny metal pieces into the bag. He fingered a dove-shaped crystal pin and noticed that it appeared cracked. “Shit.”

  “What is it?”

  “I think I broke one of Selby’s things. I’ll send it out to get fixed.” Garrett placed the rest of the jewelry into the pouch and palmed the metal bird in his fist. “Can you make some coffee? I’ll be right back.”

  Instead of bringing her things to the bedroom, he set them in the hallway and walked to his office. Remembering that he had the number of his favorite jeweler on a card in his desk, he sat down onto his black leather chair and opened the drawer. As he did so, the crystal wiggled in his fingers, drawing his attention. Although he’d initially thought it broken, the gold metal had come loose. He gave it a small tug, and a thumb drive protruded outward.