Hunter (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 10) Read online

Page 17

  Willa whined, laying her head into his palm.

  “Oh Goddess, she is adorable. I changed my mind about wolves. I want one,” Viktor told him.

  “Wolves don’t mate with vampires.”

  “You never know what I’m capable of, friend. I’ve lived a very long time and no woman belongs to me as of yet.” He reflected in silence. “Perhaps I’m cursed.” A sad smile crossed his face. He quickly recovered and placed a cheese cube inside his mouth.

  Hunter watched in fascination as the vampire slowly chewed, his gaze settling on Willa. Tempted to make a sarcastic remark, he restrained himself, his lips drawn tight.

  “I must say this cheese isn’t horrible,” Viktor remarked. “It’s been over five hundred years since I’ve tasted food.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened, a smile on his lips. “Are you telling me that you picked today to eat something?”

  “I’m not myself after that trip to Hell.” His eyes softened as he glanced at Willa. “No worries. I’ll be right as rain with a few more sips of blood.”

  The Alpha detected her magick shift as her fur transformed to skin. Willa slowly stood, her nudity mostly hidden as she stood behind the kitchen island. The locks of her hair dusted over her nipples.

  “You’re beautiful.” His cock jerked at the sight of her. I’m so fucked.

  She smiled, her cheeks blooming pink.

  “Ah, the wolf is gone. From beast to beauty.” Viktor smiled.

  “You had cheese,” she said.

  Viktor shrugged. “Yes, I suppose I did. I’m not exactly myself. Could be Hell.”

  “Viktor.” Her smile disappeared, concern rattling her voice. “My blood. Is it changing you?”

  “Your energy is like the sun, my dear Willamina. Nothing about your blood would ever harm me.” Viktor reached for an almond and rolled it in his fingers. “I’m susceptible though to Hell, demons. My sire, Baxter. He was brutal. He tried to destroy any goodness within us. The darkness in him was overpowering. Only demons conjure that kind of evil. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’d been in Hell with me. That laughter. I’m not sure if you remember it.”

  Willa shook her head, but Hunter knew the diabolical cackling all too well. The voices, encouraging the torture.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I bit you without consent. And while I’ve killed and will do so again, I don’t harm innocents.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she responded, empathy for the ancient vampire in her voice. “You had no choice.”

  “The Alpha keeps the secrets of his mate.”

  Willa’s eyes flashed to Hunter’s and quickly returned to Viktor’s.

  “Why are the demons after you?” he pressed.

  Her spine straightened as if she wore a crown. “I am Aline Ermenjarta Lobo. Princess Aline Ermenjarta Lobo.”

  Viktor gave a knowing smile. “Your parents?”

  “Aren’t alive. My lineage is why the wolves kidnapped me. They knew they’d get money. Like trophy hunters hunting a rare animal, they snatched their prize. Julian is my brother.” Willa held out her hands, sending light to her fingertips. “I have hellfire in my blood.”

  Viktor shook his head. “Fucking demons. Always thinking that they’ll have the last laugh. Now I’m finding out that you were sportin’ hellfire.”

  “I wasn’t exactly in the condition to tell you.”

  “No wonder I’m not myself.”

  “I think it’s why I don’t react well when you dematerialize. Something about my blood. It could be you. Or it could be me. Julian…”

  “He’s a Lobo too. Prince.” He shook his head. “His power.”

  “Yes. I didn’t know he could flash like he did. It’s not like wolves…well…you know we don’t do that.”

  “But you aren’t just any wolves. You’re royalty. Still holding onto that teensy tiny bit of hellfire. Like the missing link.”

  “It’s not as though we can control it. In the jungle. I…I…” she stammered.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Nothing’s going to hurt you here.” Hunter wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she relaxed against him.

  “I can move things. Like if I focus all my energy.”

  “Telekinesis!" Viktor clapped his hands together and laughed.

  “Like witchcraft,” she said.

  “Like an original wolf,” Viktor replied. “Or,” he locked his gaze on hers, “an ancient vampire.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “He’s just saying that the powers within you. They develop so to speak.”

  Viktor nodded.

  “Vik probably didn’t start flashing right away. The vamps are like little babes in the woods when they’re first turned.”

  “Easy.” Viktor grimaced at his words.

  “Whatever. You’re a fledgling. It’s why his master could be such a dick to them for so long.”

  “It’s true. I didn’t flash right away but neither did Quintus. He tells everyone he did it first but he’s wrong. I just didn’t tell him. He’d be quite jealous.”

  “Someday Quint is gonna hear you talkin’ shit about him and kick your ass.”

  “Blah, blah, blah. We’ve already worked out our squabbles. I’ve got style. He’s got…I don’t know. A skill for killing people. Let’s face it. It’s not like he was always good. He killed people. For a living. Why do people always assume he’s the good one?”

  “Because he’s a badass. And they’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear.”

  “Okay, he does have that special power too,” Viktor held up his fingers, making air quotes. “But, ah, dear friends, I can do things he can’t. Which before you ask, I’m not telling either of you, but it does bring us back to Prince Julian.”

  “That’s not his real name,” she told him.

  “But of course it isn’t.” Viktor sighed. “My point is just that when you are ancient, when you are origin wolves, you get special powers too. Things others don’t get. But it takes time to develop them and you,” he blew out a breath in disgust, wrinkling his nose, “you spend entirely too much time with humans. What were you thinking?”

  “That I’m saving lives. That I’m a humanitarian.”

  “But you’re not human. And that’s my point. Whatever little trick you did with your blood is drumming up all this nonsense. The demons probably all have their pointed little tails in a bunch over losing your special soul. Someone got paid.”

  “And they want me back.”

  “But they’re not getting you back. The assholes who took you are going to die. It’s the only way. They’ve already killed humans and vampires. My beta is missing. It’s just a matter of time.”

  “Your beta is not a good person,” she insisted.

  “He’s not. But he is missing. I don’t know what his involvement is in all this, if any, but he’s my responsibility and I have to deal with him too.”

  “Tomorrow will be the day.”

  “Ilsbeth.” Hunter’s expression flattened in anger.

  “You cannot let her get to you, Alpha,” Viktor warned. “She’s cunning. I don’t trust the demons have not gotten to her.”

  “She saved your ass.”

  “Ilsbeth works in trades. Tit for tat. It’s what she does,” Viktor explained.

  “You owe her.” Like the fae, Ilsbeth would see it as a debt. “But she owes me, and she owes Dimitri. I could call him in if I have to, but I think it’s best we keep her away from him. I don’t think Logan would go for it and frankly as an Alpha, I wouldn’t allow it either.”

  “I hate owing that bitch, but she saved my life.”

  “And mine. In Hell…” Willa’s voice faltered as if she were in a trance. “With you…I remember flashes you know. It’s like a movie. Even with Ilsbeth there, you could have killed me.”

  “I barely had control, but I tried not to hurt you.” Viktor sighed and glanced toward the ground. “My entire life I’ve stared into the face of evil. Baxter. If you didn’t know h
im, you’d think he was Satan himself. When I was first turned, the thirst for blood was so great I could have killed for it. He’d chain us with silver just for the hell of it. Quint and I…so many days we wanted to stake ourselves. But you can’t, you know. His laughter. I can still hear it. He’d bring in a human, draining them dry right in front of us. One after another. Like wild dogs, we’d pant, tugging so hard at the silver the entire room smelled of burnt flesh. When he’d release us…oh Goddess. Death. It was all I could think of. Not one time though.” Viktor shook his head, his expression somber. “I could not do it. I’d take what I needed, and escape, running so far into the night, until I couldn’t go any further. All the while knowing he’d never release me from his mental hold. When I close my eyes, I can hear the screaming. The kind of screaming that punches through your chest, wraps around your heart until you can barely breathe. He’d kill them all. I wasn’t strong enough. Neither was Quint. We’d learned restraint. All the time growing stronger and stronger until we could break free of Baxter.”

  As a pregnant pause lingered, Hunter recalled Quintus’ recollection of their brutal sire. A mercenary, the ancient vampire had killed for money, claiming he’d enacted retribution on those who embraced evil. Yet the lethal nature of the vampire edged darkness despite his leaning toward goodness.

  Viktor, seemingly unaware of his brief silence, continued. “The souls in Hell who are destined for an eternity of torture? Some made their choice while they lived on this plane. Maybe they chose evil. Maybe, like our dear high priestess, they made a deal with a demon. Even when you have nothing left to give, you can still make the right choice. And then the souls who’ve been stolen? Like you.” He lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Or me. Or perhaps even those who are as foolish as our Alpha, who risk going into Hell for any reason. We continue to make the choice over and over again until we are released of our misery or give in. I made a choice Willa. I chose you. And Ilsbeth? She also chose you. This is why you felt no pain.”

  “I’m sorry,” Willa offered.

  “Ilsbeth, if she’s truly trying to change, she owes the Goddess. I’m sure it wasn’t the first time she’s traded with demons, but she got in over her head with whoever she played with,” Hunter said. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since I rescued her. I just can’t help but think whatever she did, I think it was more than just bargaining for Dimitri. She’s been around a long time. Something’s bothering me about it. I don’t think it’s as simple as screwing up over wanting a wolf.”

  “I agree. And so,” His expression lightened, a small smile crossing his face. “We must be careful tomorrow. Whatever took her from the coven, which I’m believing they absolutely did take her, could be waiting for her.”

  “They’ll be after her again,” Hunter warned.

  “Possibly. We need to talk to her, but I’m letting both of you know right now that if we need to flash, we’re all out of there. Sorry pet, but no taking the car.”

  Willa smiled. “Only if we have to. I can’t risk getting any sicker. There’s something about when you dematerialize. It seems like it’s taking me longer and longer to recover.”

  Hunter kissed the top of her hair. “We’ll drive.”

  “Ah, the wolves are going soft.”

  The touch of her palm on his chest ignited a fire within him. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s happening.”

  “Seriously. I cannot take mated wolves.” Viktor rose and brushed his palms over his jeans.

  “We haven’t…” Willa twirled a long lock into her fingers, inadvertently exposing her shoulder.

  “Ah, no worries. I’ve really got to go get something decent to eat.”

  Distracted, Hunter caught a glimpse of the colorful design on her skin. His mark. His cock hardened like concrete at the sight of it, his wolf urging him to fully claim her. His emotions warred silently as she spoke to Viktor. Two days ago, he was just an Alpha doing his thing, albeit in Hell, and now his entire world had been overturned.

  He glanced down to his stiff erection, that remained well hidden behind the island. “We’ll be here until dawn.”

  As Willa’s hand wrapped around his shaft, his eyes flashed to hers and she gave a sexy smile, ignoring the vampire. Goddess, she’d kill him.

  “Wolves,” Viktor mused, stretching his neck from side to side. “I’ve got to get myself a meal.”

  “Hmm…yeah I’m really hungry,” Willa said.

  Hunter bit his lip as she stroked his cock. What the fuck is she doing?

  “I find myself parched. Some sweet blood and flesh will do nicely,” Viktor told them.

  “I could not agree more.” She smiled and glanced up to Hunter.

  As she tightened her grip, his palms flattened onto the counter. He sucked a breath, her thumb running over his wet slit.

  “Don’t you agree?” she asked.

  “Yeah, yeah. Food. Good.” Jesus, I sound like an idiot. The vampire would know what they were doing. “Need food.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Viktor plowed his fingers through his hair. “I’ll head out to Frenchman and shoot Quint a text. That mated fool might be hard to reach.”

  “Hard. Sure will be.” Fuuuuuccck. Hunter’s lip drew tight as Willa shifted against him, dragging the tip of his dick along her hip.

  “Tomorrow.” Willa gave her Alpha a quick glance. “I am starving.”

  Sweat beaded on Hunter’s forehead. Did she want to be seen? What the hell was she doing?

  “Eat then. I’m not stopping you.” Viktor cocked his head, his eyes narrowing as he studied them. “What are you two doing?”

  Hunter cracked a broad smile. “Nothin you need to be worryin’ about, vamp.”

  Willa laughed. “I’m handling things here.”

  “Fuck you two.” Viktor shook his head, the corner of his lips tugging upward. “Fuck me. I’ve gotta get something to eat.”

  “So do I.” She winked at Hunter.

  “I’m done with both of you. Peace out, bitches.” Viktor snapped his fingers, disappearing into the air.

  Hunter spun, taking his dick into his hands. The sounds of her laughter sent blood rushing to his cock. He stepped back, keeping just out of reach of his devilish temptress. Inwardly he laughed, his eyes painting over her. While he’d allowed her to take control, she’d officially lost the reins.

  “You’re hungry, huh?” He laughed, sliding his thumb down his shaft.

  “Ravenous,” she answered, her voice husky.

  “On your knees, mate.”

  Her eyes widened along with her smile. “Mate?”

  “Now,” he ordered, his smile fading. Fucking hell, he wanted her, but this time there’d be no quick sex. He planned on taking his time exploring every part of her.

  Willa kept her fiery eyes on his as she dropped down before her Alpha.

  “You like playing while the vampire watches, do you?” He inched closer to his mate. Her cheeks flushed in response to his question. “Is that how you like to play, little wolf?”

  She licked her lips and shrugged.

  “All right then. You’re a little bit of a freak now, are ya? This is an unexpected development. How about you open up those lips for me, sweetheart. You’re hungry, you say? I’ve got a little bit of something for you.”

  As her lips slowly parted, Hunter’s heart pounded in his chest. He’d push her to her limits and then some and enjoy every fucking second of it.

  She lifted her head, her sultry gaze penetrating his. He dragged the tip of his cock along her bottom lip. She remained still, as if waiting on him to command her. He reached for her mind, testing the new connection with his mate. Open, princess. He smiled as she responded, guiding his cock into her warm mouth.

  Willa’s hands reached for him. No hands. You’re for my pleasure now. She complied, withdrawing them. Good little wolf.

  He shivered as her full lips surrounded his dick, sucking him as he plunged inside her. His fingers speared through her thick hair, his palms gr
ipping her head as he thrust in and out of her mouth. A surge of her energy spiked through him, and he sucked his breath, his orgasm teetering toward explosion.

  Hunter groaned, pulling his dick from her mouth. His cock ached at the sight of her wet lips. “I’m gonna come right now if we keep this up and we’ve got some eating to do.”

  “What?” she asked, her voice breathy.

  Without explaining, he reached for her waist, lifting her from the ground up into his arms. He briefly eyed the kitchen table and the counter, but for his plans he needed a soft surface, a play space where he could take his time.

  “Where are we…”

  “One thing about my NOLA home, it’s built for comfort.” Hunter cradled her to his chest, his erection springing forward as he made quick work of bringing her into the family room. He carefully laid her onto the sheepskin rug, devouring her with his hungry eyes. As much as he wanted to fuck her right there, he’d savor every minute with her. Tomorrow they’d fight all day, but tonight was theirs.

  “Stay right there,” he ordered, and she giggled in response.

  “I’m still hungry,” she called to him.

  “Don’t you worry,” he laughed. Hunter quickly brought the wine glasses and cheese tray, but not before setting the plastic honey bear atop it.

  “Hmm, so hungry,” she purred. “But I don’t want cheese.”

  “I’m seeing a new side of you. You’re feeling feisty, huh?”


  “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to wait.”

  Hunter placed the glasses onto the hearth and flipped a switch, igniting a fire. “Maybe you’re going to have to learn how to submit, first, mate.”

  “I still don’t believe this is happening.” Her fingers drifted to her neck, tracing the mark. “I was always told I couldn’t. It’s not that I didn’t want it, you know. I was raised in a pack. It was small but I had one. Aunts. Cousins. Julian.” Sadness shone in her eyes.

  “He’s going to be fine.”

  “I don’t feel him, but I know in my heart he’s okay. When we were kids, we just knew what each other was thinking. It’s kind of like how I’m feeling you. Except your energy…it’s so intense. When I’m with you, my wolf, she’s…she wants to claim you. To complete the mating. It’s crazy, really. Isn’t it? We’ve just met.”