Hunter (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 10) Read online

Page 13

“You lived?” he spat.

  “Hey, Rafe.” The Alpha nodded, stepping around the fae. The last time he’d seen Kellen, Hunter had been in a bar on Frenchman Street, dying from demon poison. He looked over at the usually cool as a cucumber fae who lay hog tied in the middle of the woods. “Karma’s a bitch.”

  “Alpha.” Rafe nodded toward the struggling fae. “Surprised him from behind. He must have been worshiping or deep in thought because he never saw me comin’. His fire’s over there. I stoked it just in case he’s going back.”

  “Oh, he’s going back all right.” The Alpha was careful not to make any deals as the fae were always looking to make a buck off of information. The unique creatures could easily pass between earth and the netherworld. They could not possess or curse, yet they’d been known to kill or trade souls to Hell in exchange for favors.

  Hunter knelt, making eye contact. “How’s it hangin’, fire boy?”

  “You treat me like this after I helped Quintus? Never again will I do a favor for the lot of ya. Never. Fuck you and your wolves.”

  “Someone seems to be havin’ a bad time of it.” Hunter glanced at Viktor.

  “And this was worth getting my new shoes dirty? Now I’m in a bad mood. Do you hear that, fae? My patience is thin.”

  “How’s about you tell me exactly why your hairy ass is trolling about in my territory?” Hunter glared down at the bound fae.

  “I like the wilderness.” He laughed, saliva spraying from his mouth. “I’ve got a right to go to Yellowstone like anyone else.”

  “Got news for ya. You’re not in Yellowstone. You’re running on pack lands now. You remember nawlins, do you?” The fae had enjoyed watching him suffer as the demon blood spread throughout his bloodstream, nearly killing him. “All you wanted was money.”

  “You pay for information. I give it. That’s how it works.” Kellen laughed.

  Hunter leaned forward, coming within inches of his face. “That’s right, asshole. That’s exactly how it works. The way I see it is you’ve been campin’ out here on my property. Possibly for days.”

  “Days? Well, that’s going to be expensive,” Viktor said, with a coy smile.

  “Yeah, you know property out here is pretty pricey. Rent’s been goin’ up,” Rafe added.

  “Now I’m willing to bargain. But you’re going to have to pay to even things up.” A cold smile crossed Hunter’s face.

  “But I’ve only been here for a day,” the fae protested.

  “Well isn’t that a shame, guys,” Hunter laughed and stood up, towering over him. “Ole Kellen here has to pay even though he’s only stayed a day. But rent ain’t free, bud. Nope, ‘fraid not.”

  “You owe the Alpha,” Viktor told him.

  “Ah…you both can go to Hell!” Daggers shot from his eyes as he glared at Hunter.

  “This guy interrupted my ride. Damn inconvenient for me, Alpha.” Rafe leaned over and picked up a few sticks and threw them into the pit, the flames licking up into the air. “Could’ve started a forest fire.”

  “See now that’s gonna cost extra. I don’t make the rules. Fair is fair.”

  Kellen squirmed, attempting to pull apart the iron chain that wound about his wrists. Unsuccessful, he winced as it burned his skin.

  “Information’s the name of the game. Even up. Tell me. What’s an urban fae like you doing snooping out here in the woods?”

  “A couple of wolves owe me,” he confessed. “They sold a soul to Hell. She got out so now they can’t keep the reward. No, no, no. The demon will have its due if the money isn’t back soon.”

  Willa. Hunter’s stomach clenched at the thought and he resisted the urge to kill the fae. While she’d been in Hell suffering, this bastard was out to make money off of it.

  “I want to know the names of the wolves who owe you,” Hunter demanded.

  “Whaddya mean? Names. No names in this business.”

  Hunter lost control and lunged at the fae. He rolled him onto his back and straddled him, wrapping his hands around his throat.

  “Now you listen up, Kellen. I want the truth now, not some bullshit fae story. Names. I want names. I don’t care if they gave you real or fake ones, but I know a slippery one like yourself doesn’t do business without having a name to be paid or owed. It’s not in your nature.”

  Kellen choked as Hunter tightened his grip. “You can’t kill me.”

  “I won’t kill you. Might bring demons crawlin’ out of the woodwork for all I know. But believe me when I say I can and will keep you tied up. For as long as I want. Consider me the sheriff of your debtor’s prison. This is my territory, not yours. You want out? Names. Now!”

  “I don’t know, I don’t know. Maybe Jerry. Jack. Jermain. No. Jerry. He came with only one other wolf. Connor was his name. They’re rogues. But they have this sort of makeshift pack, he says. Not my business. I only work the deals.”

  “Where are the wolves from? Where are they going?”

  “How am I supposed to know? Met em’ in New Orleans just like you and the blood sucker.”

  “Easy.” Viktor nudged Kellen’s chin with the tip of his toe. “I’m not as nice as my brother.”

  “Tell me about the soul. Who is she?” Rage boiled inside Hunter, yet he kept his voice calm.

  “She’s a special one. But you already know that, don’t you? Now get this iron off my wrists. It’s gonna kill me.”

  Hunter paused and nodded to Rafe who made quick work of releasing the fae. He pushed onto his hands and knees, grunting as he stood, dirt marring his face.

  “Tell me about her,” he pressed.

  “Can’t you feel her? I can feel her now as I scan for energies. I know you took her from Hell. She’s still with you, isn’t she?”

  “I’m not the one answering questions. What is she?” Hunter asked, ignoring his question. “You owe me.”

  “She’s wolf. She’s origin. She’s everything. Her power is special. Ancient pedigree, I tell ya. Took special fae magick to subdue her, I hear. But was all paid for. What people do with my magick isn’t my business. I can’t be responsible. It’s all business.”

  “Why is her power special?” Hunter asked. “Why is she so important to sell?”

  Kellen smiled broadly, his laugher echoing in the forest. “How can you not know what she is? She’s wolf. The wolf. I cannot tell you more. I am forbidden to betray, I’m afraid. Demons want her. Wolves want her for the sale of her flesh. And you, Alpha, what do you want her for?” Kellen revealed his brown crusted teeth.

  “I saved her from that cesspool you crawl in and out of. She’s my wolf now,” Hunter insisted.

  “Not possible,” Kellen insisted, his voice raised. “She’s rogue. She’ll never be pack. She’ll never mate.”

  “What do you know about the ways of the wolves? If I say she’s mine, she’s mine. So, go ahead, you can call your demon buddies…”

  “No…demons! No demons,” he said, circling the fire.

  “You’re in and out of Hell all the time. Just staying long enough to get a taste. You’ll never get enough of your fix. I see you for what you are, Kellen. You’re a junkie. You may look the part, blending in with the humans, but you’re as evil as they come.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.” He waved his hand at him.

  “I know you walk with demons far more than you walk with immortals or humans. I know you helped these assholes kidnap her. I know you traded an innocent soul for money. All of these things are reprehensible.”

  “This is our purpose. The Goddess has a purpose,” he told Hunter, dipping a finger into the hot coals. “We earn money for our favors, but the deeds are not ours. The Goddess allows us to move freely, not the demons.”

  “Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night but as far as I’m concerned, you’re a lowlife scum, sucking off the sins of humans and others, waiting for your next deal. Before you jump back into that firepit you got going there, I’m warning you. Willa is off limits. To you or anyone
else who’s fixin’ to hurt her. Put the word out that she belongs to me. She’s my pack now. She’s not alone. Those wolves, Kellen. One of them is dead. I’m gonna kill the rest when I find them. It’s just a matter of days. So, when your ass lands back in New Orleans, you keep in mind who’s going to be around. Choose your sides wisely. Next time you cross me, fae magick or not, you’ll be dead too.”

  “I’m innocent. Come and go as I please. I may owe you for the time, but nothin’ you can do about it.”

  “You’re nothin’ but a flea and it’s time to flick you the fuck off my territory.” Hunter shoved Kellen toward the fire pit. “Time to go home.”

  Kellen’s eyes transfixed on Hunter’s as he leaned back and fell into the flames. His entire body disappeared into the ground as if he’d dove into water. Sparks danced into the air, the fire smothered in magick and hellfire.

  “Fuckin’ fae.” Hunter kicked at the dirt, spraying it over the fire.

  Rafe dug his fingers into the earth, dousing the flames.

  “Kellen is quite a piece of work. I’m not sure how Quintus manages to deal with his sort. But then again, I have my own informants,” Viktor mused.

  “If you don’t mind me askin’, Alpha, what’s going on with the girl you brought back from Hell?” Rafe wiped his hand across his forehead and spat onto the ground.

  “Nothing. He’s lying about her.” The Alpha inwardly questioned Kellen’s claims about Willa. She was extraordinary, almost otherworldly. He’d seen her gorgeous wolf, and while he suspected a hybrid of some sort, she was not evil. “It’s just that Hell…it affects people. Any species can be contaminated by it. Humans. Vampires. Witches. Wolves even. They choose evil. But the fae are more susceptible. If you walk through Hell one too many times…”

  “Haven’t met many fae to be honest.” Rafe made quick work of mounting his horse.

  “Best you don’t. Ya don’t want to be caught up in a bad deal. It’s what they do. Kellen’s a motherfucker. But he’s pretty visible. That’s why Quint uses him.”

  “Yes, but Quint still should have killed his ass.” Viktor sighed and gestured toward his feet. “Now would you look at that. How am I ever going to get this mud off my shoes? Did I mention they were brand new?”

  “Gotta roll, Rafe. Have a good ride,” Hunter told his wolf, ignoring the vampire’s complaint.

  “That I’ll do, Alpha.”

  Hunter stilled as he turned to Viktor, shock rolling through him. Willa. As if someone had stolen his lifeblood, his hands turned icy. He closed his eyes, focusing, searching for her.

  “What’s wrong now? Don’t you see how dirty my…”

  “Willa’s gone.” His eyes locked on Viktor’s.

  “What do you mean she’s gone? She’s back at your house. With Julian.”

  “No. I can’t feel her. I’ve gotta get back now. If she ran off with that loser brother of hers, I’m gonna spank her ass.”

  “Now that is something I would like to see.”

  “Now vampire,” the Alpha ordered, setting his palm on Viktor’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Eight

  Willa’s mind swarmed in confusion, her conflicting emotions warring. She’d always remained in control of her beast…until now. Overwhelmed, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring into her bloodshot eyes, her face puffy from her tears. After she’d dressed, she let her mind wander, reaching for Hunter, but he was gone. The Alpha had left without so much as a goodbye. It was what she’d wanted, yet now that he’d gone, she thought of nothing but him, making love, lying safely in his arms.

  Believing she’d never mate, Willa never considered the consequences if she found one. The attraction to the Alpha was palpable, like an addiction she couldn’t deny. Craving her next fix, she prayed to the Goddess to make it go away.

  Children. Before she could stop the thought, the word streamed through her mind. No, no, no. Stop it, Willa. You cannot think of this. Just get going with your business. Worry about the Alpha later.

  Willa startled at the sound of the bedroom door swinging open, heavy footsteps treading across the floor. Not Hunter. Not the vampire. Not Julian. Dark energy sent her wolf on alert. Willa picked up a hand mirror lying on the counter and smashed it. With a towel she picked up a shard, readying it as a weapon. Willa quickly stepped into the bedroom from the bathroom, holding it tight. Poised to stab the intruder, she caught sight of Remus.

  “What are you doing in my room?” Although she relaxed her arm to her side, she kept a firm hold on the glass.

  “Just thought I’d check on you. Alpha’s gone to check something,” he said, his eyes painting over her.

  “What do you want?” Willa took a step back, increasing the distance between them.

  “What do I want?” Remus cocked his head and sat on the bed. “I want to know what you are. I want to know what Hunter brought back from Hell.” He sniffed the air then shot her a cold smile. “I can smell it on you. Like a filthy demon whore. Yet he claims you’re a wolf.”

  “I am a wolf.” Willa’s grip tightened around the towel.

  “You know what I think? I think you and your so-called brother in there aren’t really wolves. You may look like a wolf, run like a wolf, but you’re dirty. I think,” he smoothed his palm over a wrinkle in the comforter, “you’re not who you say you are.”

  “It’s none of your business who I am or who I’m not. The Alpha is the only one who needs to know. That’s the advantage of not being pack.”

  “I’m the beta. He’s not here. I’m makin’ it my business.”

  “Where is the Alpha?” she demanded, her heart pumping faster as Remus stood and approached her.

  “I told you. He’s busy.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Because you don’t matter to him.

  “Because you’re not pack. You’re a visitor. An outsider who has no reason to know about pack business.”

  “I think you should leave now.” She glanced to the door, which she noted he’d taken care to completely close.

  “The Alpha and I share everything, you know.” He licked his lips and smiled. “We lead together. We run together. Fuck together. What do you say? You want to have a go? I bet your pussy is tight as a drum after being in Hell.”

  Remus snatched her wrist and pulled her to him, the stink of his foul breath wafting into her nose. She attempted to pull away, but he held tight.

  “I bet you like it in the ass, don’t you? A bitch like you wants it hard and rough. I’m just the guy to give it to you.”

  “No!” Willa screamed as he shoved his hand between her legs. Without pause, she swung the blade at him, slicing open his cheek.


  As the back of his hand landed across her face, pain shot down her neck. She rolled onto the ground and swung her leg under his, causing him to fall. Clammy fingers wrapped around her ankle. Willa struggled to get away, kicking her boot at his gut. He growled and tugged her closer to him.

  “Get the fuck away from her.” The sound of Julian’s voice filled the room and within seconds, her foot was free. As she rolled onto her back, she caught sight of Julian throwing Remus across the room. The sound of glass shattering shook the room as the beta fell through the window, his body landing with a thud onto the ground below.

  “Oh Goddess. Julian,” Willa cried, rushing to his side.

  A cool breeze rushed over her as she peered through the broken glass. The mangled body of the beta lay motionless on the grass.

  “Is he dead?” she asked.

  “Doubt it, he’s a wolf. But we’re not sticking around to find out. It’s time to roll, lil’ sister.”

  “How are we going to get out of here?” she asked.

  “I’ve picked up a few tricks since I last saw you. We’re going to Guatemala?”

  “If we can get to the main city, I can arrange for a…”

  “Just think of the place you want to go.”


  “Just th
ink of the place, okay? Picture it. Now close your eyes.” Julian winked.

  “Are you making this up? Because I swear to the Goddess, Julian, this is not the time to screw around. We’ve got to get out of here before Remus wakes up or the pack finds him. We should just look for the keys to the car and take it. We can hop a flight in Idaho Falls. By the time they find out we’re missing, we’ll be long gone.”

  “Trust me. Just close your eyes. Think of your village, okay.”

  “Fine but I’m telling you if you’re fooling around, I’m going to kick your a…” Willa’s words disappeared as she spiraled into the darkness, dematerializing away into nothingness.

  Willa breathed in a deep breath of air as her feet hit the ground, the pungent scent of the rainforest vegetation engulfing her senses.

  “Where did you learn that?” she laughed, slapping her brother’s arm.

  “A magician never reveals his tricks. You okay?”

  “Are you a vampire?” she asked, her face falling flat. Viktor.

  “What? Why in the world would you ever ask that? As if I’d ever let one of those bloodsuckers have at me. No fucking way.”

  “Because. Viktor. He can do that as well but when he did it, it made me sick.”

  “He’s drawing on ancient magick that isn’t derived from wolves. Our magick is within us.”

  “But how do you have it and not me?” A tight jab of jealousy poked her.

  “You have it too. Right here.” He gently placed his palm on her head and brushed his thumb over her forehead. “Your third eye will lead you, lead your light. You have spent far too much time with humans, suppressing and hiding your nature. But don’t worry, we’ll correct all that.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not staying with Hunter. Especially after what just happened.” Willa took a step into a well-worn path. “This way.”

  “We are headed toward the village?” Julian hesitated, gesturing in the opposite direction.

  “As much as I’d like to see everyone, I keep my notes hidden within the lost city. It would be far too easy for someone to find them while I’m not in my house. The formula had to stay here.”