Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6) Read online

Page 12

  “Gilly, it’s going to be okay,” Dimitri began. He got that she felt out of control. The past week had been hell for her and she sought some peace in the storm. But Dimitri knew that yelling at an Alpha was a bad idea even if she wasn’t a wolf. “We’re mates. It’d be expected that you’d travel with me, and I with you. You ever been to Mardi Gras?” Dimitri gave Jax a knowing look, hoping he’d throw him a bone.

  “That’s right, Gilly. We can do a spread for the magazine on Mardi Gras. Maybe a ‘past meets future’ feature. Talk to locals, get some photos. Help readers who don’t live there get a feel for what it’s like.”

  “That’s a great idea. There’s so much history. We can check out the parades. I know you’ll enjoy it.”

  “Chaz is going to come for me there, you know.”

  “Yes, he is. And we’ll be ready. Believe me, he won’t be able to hide in the shadows like he’s doin’ here. We can always go straight to the bayou if we think the city’s not an option. We’ll call Logan from the plane, set up a plan of action.”

  “Nick and I will be down as soon as we clean things up here. I swear it.”

  Gillian silently resigned herself to the fact that she’d be leaving New York. Wrapping her arms around herself, she nodded in agreement.

  Dimitri took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He locked eyes with Jax as he put his arm around her. Understanding passed between them; the Alpha knew she was his mate. Logan would know, too. Dimitri, himself, wasn’t comfortable with the idea, but it didn’t matter. Gillian could easily choose to reject his wolf, his mark and their mating. Chaz had attempted to mark her, and not even a scar remained. Why would he be any different? They’d made love, but he didn’t trust that she wouldn’t leave him. She’d been upfront, telling him that she didn’t want to be with a wolf. It still hadn’t made sense to him, because he’d never heard of a wolf mating with a tiger, not even a hybrid.

  Everything about her was different. Too different. She was a loner, never relying on others for hunting, friendship. Even if every issue resolved itself, there was the huge elephant in the room; his pack. Would his pack accept another shifter into their lives?

  Gillian tensed as they pulled onto the tarmac and the deafening engine of the Learjet roared to life. She carefully navigated the steps up into the cabin, the warmth of Dimitri on her back reminding her that she wasn’t alone. Trying to appear nonchalant, she slid into a cream-colored leather chair. Gillian wasn’t used to this kind of luxury. Flying coach, jammed in the middle seat, last row was more her style.

  Dimitri gave her a warm smile, and it was as if someone had wrapped her in a protective cocoon. From the second she’d met him, it felt as if she’d fallen down the rabbit hole. Surreal, it had gone against everything she’d ever known. But as she watched him take off his coat and roll up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, she couldn’t help but think about being in his arms again. For the first time in her life, she considered what her life would be like without her feline spirit. Could she wake up in the morning with the knowledge that she couldn’t shift? Even if she managed to transition to wolf, how would she feel being forced to submit within pack? Would Dimitri only want to mate her so he’d receive the gift she’d sacrifice to be with him?

  She gazed out the tiny oval window at the flickering runway lights trailing off into the distance and shoved the thoughts to the back of her mind. She needed to focus, to attempt to shake the lust from her mind and think clearly. Chaz had somehow learned of her gifts. What if Dimitri had found out too? What wolf wouldn’t want to have both the power of a tiger and wolf? Dimitri’d told her that he didn’t want to be Alpha, but she didn’t know him well enough to trust that he really meant it. All she knew for certain was that he didn’t want to leave New Orleans, his Acadian wolf pack. Observing him interact with his own Alpha would provide further insight to his intentions.

  A familiar voice captured her attention and her eyes caught Jake’s. Casually dressed, in jeans and button down shirt, he was as handsome as she’d remembered. Are all wolves this freakin’ hot? No wonder my mom told me to stay away from packs. She tried to hide the smile that crossed her face, and he laughed. Her stomach rolled, and she prayed he didn’t read minds.

  “Hey, Gil,” he greeted. “Ya ready for a little fun in the Big Easy?”

  “Fun? Yeah, if that’s what you’d call being on the run from a maniacal jackass.” She grinned and nodded. “Something tells me you’re a glass half full kind of a guy.”

  “You bet. Besides, you two seem no worse for wear. Dimitri’s in a good mood, that’s for sure.”

  “He either wants to go on another date with me or he really likes cats,” she laughed, knowing he scented Dimitri on her once again.

  “I suspect it’s a bit of both.”

  “I was just joking. It’s more like he and Jax decided I was going on a trip.”

  “I wasn’t. Logan’s got a cat. Mojo. Dimitri is constantly talking to it like a baby. Kissing it. Embarrassing really. You’d think the damn thing was the Alpha, the way it does whatever it wants.”

  “Ah…that’s the thing about us cats, we don’t take orders very well.”

  “Is that so?” he chuckled. “I can’t wait to see how that works out for the both of you.”

  Dimitri came out from the cockpit, and caught the tail end of their conversation.

  “Don’t you worry about Gilly, bro. She’ll do just fine. Although I do owe her for leaving me in Vegas,” he commented, casting Gillian a devious glance.

  “You wouldn’t have gone to see the witch if I had let you come with me to New York,” she began.

  “And that’s your first mistake, kitten. It was all good in Vegas.” Even though he felt like shit by the time he’d gotten to Ilsbeth, he wouldn’t admit it to her. “I know you like your independence, but there’s no foolin’ around at home with my pack. I give the orders and you listen.”

  Gillian resisted the urge to roll her eyes…exactly why she didn’t want to be with wolves.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Jake teased. “I don’t think she’s gonna submit easily, my friend.”

  “Submit? Who said anything about me submitting? I’m going on a plane ride to take pictures of Mardi Gras. Technically, I’m working. While you all are begging for doggie treats, I’ll be happily on my own, snapping pics of the city,” she taunted. Unsure of why she goaded the two men, Gillian cautiously chose her words, aware there was a line she should not cross.

  “You’ve got your hands full, beta,” Jake responded. He laughed out loud, holding his hand to his abdomen.

  “It’ll be my pleasure when you do submit,” Dimitri promised, coming up behind her chair. He knelt behind her, wrapping a strong arm around her chest. His fingers lingered on her collarbone as he whispered into her ear loud enough for Jake to hear. “And when you do, I’ll make sure Jake’s there to watch. After all, you seemed to take quite nicely to it earlier tonight. I’m thinking you liked having a little audience.”

  Gillian’s eyes met Jake’s and her nipples hardened at Dimitri’s statement. Damn it all. Blood rushed to her cheeks, and she fought the urge to moan as his lips pressed to her neck. Her head lolled back onto his shoulder. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the sensation of his tongue behind her ear, causing her to break out in gooseflesh. She sighed, her pussy aching in arousal. Surprised, cold abandonment washed over her when Dimitri stood and walked away.

  “What?” she said, blinking her eyes in disbelief. Wait. Where is he going?

  “Sorry, cher. Gotta sit down. We’re taking off. Better buckle up,” Dimitri said with a wink. He enjoyed playing with Gillian, gauging her willingness to submit.

  “Things were taking off, all right. Just came to a screeching halt.” She caught the sly grin on his face, and realized he was teasing her.

  “You’re evil,” she said, feigning anger with him. Jake shook his head and laughed. She’d completely forgotten that he’d been there, watching them. “Both of you.�

  Gillian crossed her legs and squeezed them tightly together. Her tiger roared, letting her know that she yearned for the beta. Gillian’s lips tightened in a fine line. No, no, no. No submission. No mating. No giving up my nature. She could feel Dimitri’s eyes burning through the back of her head as she stared out the window. The plane lifted off and soon there was nothing but blackness.

  Dimitri’s dick was as hard as a lead pipe. Hours ago, they’d been intimate, and he couldn’t wait to be inside his mate again. Glancing at Jake, it wasn’t lost on Dimitri how his friend looked at Gillian. He resisted telling Jake to put his eyes back into his head, as they roamed her body. Her fiery spirit and quick wit would be enough for any man to find her attractive, but tonight, she looked incredibly sexy, her toned thigh peeking through the slit. Dimitri wasn’t the jealous type, having shared women with both Logan and Jake. Yet the wolf in him wouldn’t allow it until she’d allowed him to mark her as his, to begin the mating process.

  Needing to talk with her alone, Dimitri gestured with his hand, in an effort to get Jake to leave. His friend shrugged in response and made his way out of the main cabin. Dimitri knew that Jake was probably thinking he just wanted to join the mile high club. While that option was fully on the table, he and Gillian first needed to clear the air about why she was so resistant to dating him. The knowledge that she was his mate was a secret that he couldn’t keep for much longer.

  “Gilly,” he called to her with a smile. His kitten had been aroused by his words, suggesting the terms of her submission. He suspected that she was intrigued by it, the idea of Jake watching. Interesting that she’d conceal her desires, yet he looked forward to testing her limits.

  “Yes,” she responded, her face still flushed.

  “Let’s go lay down. The seatbelt sign is off and Jake’s gone up to talk with the pilot,” he said, pushing out of his chair.

  Dimitri held out his hand, smiling as she put hers in his. He led them to a sofa that had a long chaise. He released her briefly, so he could reach up to retrieve a pillow from out of the overhead compartment. Throwing it onto the couch, he sat down, bringing her with him.

  “Lie back,” he directed. Pleased that she did what he asked, he took her feet into his hands and slipped off her shoes.

  “Not sure how you women walk around in these,” he commented, massaging her instep. Gillian moaned, and he laughed.

  “Oh my God, that feels so good,” she sighed, laying her head back.

  “So tell me, what’s the deal with not wanting to be around wolves? I know you didn’t want to tell me before at the theater, but now, it’s just you and me.”

  “You want the truth?” Gillian’s eyes flashed open.

  “No, I want you to lie to me. Of course I want the truth. No more coy excuses. The plan ole truth will suffice,” Dimitri told her.

  “Seeing that we made love, I suppose I owe you as much. But for the record, I wasn’t trying to lie to you. It’s more like I was protecting myself.” She tried to pull her foot away from him, but Dimitri held her tight.

  “No running. Spill.”

  “I told you before that a wolf can’t mark me,” she explained. Even though his touch calmed her animal spirit, she’d never told anyone else and her voice began to tremble. “If I choose a mate, and I must be the one to make the decision, then it will happen. I’m a rare breed of tiger. Maljavan. That’s why I can mate a wolf. Most shifters can’t mate outside their breed. Even hybrids can’t, not unless they’re human.”

  “No doubt, you’re strong enough to take on most wolves, individually anyhow, but I still don’t get why you don’t want to date a wolf.”

  “Because…if I mate…” her voice faltered.

  “Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me,” he cajoled. Dimitri released her foot, slid next to her and adjusted her body so that she lay on his chest.

  “My tiger…she’ll die,” Gillian managed. It was the first time she’d said the words out loud.

  “I’ll admit, I’ve never heard of a tiger, or any other shifter for that matter, mating with a wolf, but shifters don’t just die.”

  “Mine will.” Gillian lifted her head and turned to look in his eyes. “She’ll die. My mother mated with my dad. The Alpha. Afterwards, she never shifted again.”

  “She’s mortal? I thought you said your mom was alive?”

  “She’s alive. She hasn’t aged but she doesn’t shift. Not ever. Jax said he thinks she may have turned wolf when she mated, but denied her beast.”

  “What do you think?”

  “Remember when I healed you?”

  “Yeah?” Dimitri pulled her closer.

  “Your wolf. It was weak.” Gillian slid her fingers underneath his unbuttoned shirt, touching his abdomen. “I can sense him. I haven’t done it very often but I knew. My mom, I’ve hugged her, touched her hand. I feel nothing. It’s as if she’s human.”

  “But how do you know what you’re saying is true? Is there anyone else you can ask in your family?”

  “I told you, we’re a solitary species. I don’t even know my grandparents. From the small amount of research I’ve done, it seems that if I mate with a wolf, it’s unlikely my tiger would survive. There’s a small chance that my wolf, which I highly doubt even exists, would show herself.”

  “So you avoid wolves because you don’t want to meet your mate?”

  “I can’t risk it.”

  Dimitri sighed, disappointed that she couldn’t feel what he felt. He knew she was his mate. She hadn’t a clue. Worse, if she chose him, she might not be able to ever shift again. Yet he suspected there was more to the story.

  “It still doesn’t make sense why Chaz is after you. What does he get out of it if you’re no longer a tiger?”

  “I don’t know what he knows,” she lied. She didn’t want to tell him that whoever she mated with would receive the gifts of her tiger. He’d run faster, have the claws of a feline, would possibly even be able to shift into a cat.

  “You’re sure about that?” Dimitri pressed, sensing she was hiding the truth.

  “I don’t really know. Maybe he just wants to say he killed a tiger. It doesn’t matter because the only way I’ll mate is if I choose it. I’m very much like a human that way.”

  “So if you met a wolf, your mate…you wouldn’t consider it?”

  “Do you remember what it felt like not to be able to shift?”

  “Hell yeah, it was terrible…” Could he ask her to give up her cat just so he could be with his mate?

  “What if I couldn’t shift? Would you choose a mate who’d never be able to run with you? Someone who was practically human?”

  “I’d choose the person I’m supposed to be with. Sorry, darlin’ but I believe in fate. I also believe in mates. You can call it chemistry, if it makes you feel better. But with wolves, we know when we find a mate…it’s meant to be. The more ya fight it, the worse it gets. The desire to mark, to mate her will become intolerable. The wolf must be satisfied. There are some things in life you can control and some you can’t.”

  “What if you couldn’t shift? You felt what it was like on the beach that night, not to be able to shift. What if you were like that, vulnerable, forever?”

  Dimitri grew quiet as she spoke his worst fear. Ilsbeth still hadn’t found a cure. The tonic in his duffle bag was only temporary. He hadn’t told a soul about his prognosis, not even Logan.

  “You saw the witch?” When Dimitri shrugged in response, Gillian withdrew her hand from his shirt and pushed up to see his expression. “What? You saw her, right? I can feel your wolf now. What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I saw her,” Dimitri said with a small grin.

  “So? What happened? Did she do a spell?”

  “Yeah.” Guilt churned in his belly as the memory of the naked witches played in his mind. He shouldn’t have let Ilsbeth so close. When she’d kissed him, he’d gone cold. Now that he’d made love with Gillian, the knowledge that he’d touched the witch made hi
m sick.

  “It worked?” Gillian brushed her fingers over his jaw.

  “Yes.” Dimitri justified his answer by telling himself that his wolf was alive…for now. He questioned what to do with his mate. Not only could he lose his ability to shift, asking her to mate with him could cause her to lose hers as well.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked.

  “No, cher. Just thinkin’ is all,” he answered. Dimitri yearned to tell her that she was his mate, but now that he knew why she’d avoided wolves, he doubted his original plan. His avoidance couldn’t continue forever, he knew. The more he was around her, the greater the attraction would grow. His wolf would demand that he mark her, mate her.

  “If you’re worried about me being around your pack, finding a mate, I’ll just stay away from the other wolves. Jax will come for me soon.” She hoped. “We could always just stay in bed for the next five days. I’m sure that’ll keep me safe.”

  “Now what makes you think that? How do you know that I’m not your mate?” he laughed.

  “Well, I don’t know. I mean, I’m not a wolf, but wouldn’t I know something like that? I always just figured that some kind of wolf ESP would kick in if I were around wolves…that I’d just know.”

  “And then?” Goddess, she really doesn’t know.

  “Well, I’d have to stay as far away as possible. That’s always been my plan.” She slid her hand lower, past his belly button and wrapped her leg over his.

  “Someday, you may find that doesn’t work so well,” he advised. Soon, he’d be forced to tell her. The closer he allowed himself to get to her, the worse it would be when they had to part ways. As much as his wolf wanted this woman, he couldn’t be the one to kill her tiger.

  “I never thought I’d date a wolf,” she reflected, her fingers grazing his beltline.

  “You admit we’re dating?” Dimitri’s cock thickened as her fingers played with the trail of hair below his abdomen.